By Kebene CH

28 april 2024

De kracht van moederliefde is ongekend. MAMA’S weten wat een kind nodig heeft. MAM’AS kijken niet weg als een kind in nood is. MAMA’S nemen áltijd verantwoordelijkheid.

Liefdevol, trouw en onverzettelijk. In ons Kebene project bieden we vandaag ruim 30 jonge tienermama’s kansen. Zij inspireren elkaar, steunen elkaar en wisselen kennis en ervaring uit.

Op deze speciale dag willen wij hen dan ook in de kijker zetten. Happy Mothersday! “Een moeder is zij die de plaats van alle anderen kan innemen, maar wiens plaats niemand anders kan innemen.”

Her Reality

Amina, jong tienermama van 16 jaar, opgevangen in Kebene sinds 16 januari 2023

I am 16 years; I have been living with my mother who is a single mum but sometimes I visited my father who doesn’t stay far. When schools were opening, I discovered I was pregnant and I told my mum I won’t go to school, but my mum was very furious just to find out I was pregnant, she asked me to abort the pregnancy. Instead I ran away and went to seek help in a nearby women shelter after I heard my mum had not given up on the idea of killing my unborn child. Wrote and shared by Amina.

Her Reality

Mwanamisi, jong tienermama van 15 jaar, opgevangen in Kebene sinds 10 september 2022

I got pregnant a few months after my mother left us. We remained with our stepfather who took care of me together with my two little sisters. I still remember the fateful night when my dad came and pushed me hard on the floor I tried to scream but he was too strong for me. I passed out and when I came back to my senses I realized someone forcing himself into my virginal. That’s how I got pregnant and that was only the beginning of my nightmares. I stopped going to school and remained at home taking care of my siblings. I couldn’t reach my mom on the phone, I tried talking to the neighbours, but no one believed me. Until one day my father told me I should learn to keep my mouth shut like my little sister that’s when I realized my sister was going through the same problems. My father was forcing himself on us. I cried and went to the police station and reported, then I was rescued.  Wrote and shared by Mwanamisi


About Kebene CH