Onderwijs is de sleutel voor de ontwikkeling van een kind én van een samenleving. Een kind dat goed onderwijs krijgt, krijgt kansen voor de toekomst. Daarom heeft ieder kind recht op goed onderwijs. Overal en altijd.
It is with great pleasure to inform you that ever since Kebene Children’s home enrolled their 19 kids in our school that we have seen them advance both in knowledge and discipline. They are among our top performers and most disciplined of all. for instance Abdallah a standard 4 boy from Kebene came in as a fair student but currently holds the top position as per the last exam after just a few terms with us , he is well disciplined and a very bright boy.
In total we have 19 students in various classes ranging from PP2 to STD 4 all of which have been doing well in school with minimal or no complications. We also have a few in co-curricular activities such as choir group, scouting and other social clubs as they are not just one dimensional kids but have different talents. We would like to thank the organization and all their supporters for enabling us to shape such bright minds for the future .Looking forward to our continual working together for the future of our kids.
Yours Faithfully, William Githua John – (Asst. Director)
Na de basisschool worden alle kinderen uitgenodigd door de overheid in verschillende scholen voor hun secundaire opleiding. Meestal zijn het boardingschools.
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