
Onze jongeren zullen tijdens deze lange vakantie extra begeleiding en steun krijgen.

Ogam, onze nieuwe aanwinst, zal verschillende initiatieven nemen, op maat van de jongeren om hen te begeleiden in hun verdere ontwikkelingen.

Onze jongeren krijgen een kans om actief deel te nemen aan kampen, vrijwilligerswerk in en rond Kebene, discussie sessies, workshops, muziek, dans, drama, ect

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My Story…

Hi, my name is Mwanamisi. I am 21 years old. I ‘m going to Matuga High School and my most interesting subject is business. I live with my mother (a single parent) and receiving support from Kebene.  I am one of the first kids in Kebene.  I came to Kebene when I was around 9 years. I clearly remember the day papa and mama came to pick me and my three siblings at our home. It was a horrible experience because I had never seen them before. We actually didn’t know that we were going to a children’s home! I was scared to be in the hands of other people,… white people.

My mother was not at home at that moment but she knows that they came to pick us up. My mother was not being capable to take care of me and my 3 brothers.  It actually took me time to get used to my new environment.

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Here I am , at the age of twenty one, and I feel like it is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

I am grateful that I had a chance to join the Kebene Children’s Home, a life transforming place.  Everybody of Kebene has taught me on how to handle the outside world. Even now that I am away, I owe it to Kebene.

I am thankful for that! Mwanamisi.


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Kebene Family
P.O. BOX 462

80400 Ukunda Coast, Kenya

(Mr. Pasci Princen – director) +254(7)23241963
(md. Sarah Were – manager) +254/(7)20422607
(md. Naomy Narry – admin) +254/(7)15499581

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